The Workshop, entitled Ethnobotanical Approaches for Development of New Plant – Products, was jointly organized by Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (BEDO) and Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB) from March 17 to March 25 in both Bangkok and ChiangMai. The general objective of the workshop was to introduce the subject Ethnobotany and its methodologies in biodiversity conservation and bio-products development into Thailand for strengthening sustainability of bio-economic development in the country. The 9 day workshop consisted of three parts: Five lectures; demonstration on field case studies; and wrapping-up and development of the work plan for collaboration. There were 25 participants in attendance, from BEDO, Department of National Parks, Wildlife & Plant Conservation (DNP), Department of Agricultural Extension (DOAE), Botanical Garden Organization (BGO), Highland Research and Development Institute (HRDI), ChiangMai University and several bio-pharmacy enterprises. The lecture team, headed by Professor PEI Shengji of KIB, traveled to Thailand to deliver the lectures and guide the field demonstration on ethnobotany field methods. The workshop was well organized and successful in meeting its objectives. Furthermore, the workshop was very useful and allowed the participants to obtain insightful knowledge and experiences regarding ethnobotany in biodiversity conservation and bio-products development in Thailand.
On April 2, 2012 a letter was sent by Mr. Petipong Pungbun Na Ayudhya, President of the Board of Directors, BEDO to KIB offering congratulations on the success of the workshop and expressing sincerest gratitude for the great support. This is the first time that a Chinese ethnobotany research group was invited by foreign public organization to travel abroad and deliver a systemic research training workshop on ethnobotany and to contribute to international scientific exchange and cooperation. (Images by ZHUANG Huifu)

Group Discussion in ChiangMai Workshop Group Photo

Participants Visit to Pa Pae Village (Left Fig.)
Interview with Lahu Village Herbal Doctor in Aunkang Area, North Thailand (Right Fig.)

Participants Visit to Ma-chang Village In Aunkang Area, North Thailand (Left Fig.)
Participants Group Photo with Local Villagers and Royal Project Staff at Aunkang (Right Fig.)