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International Training Course: Seed Conservation Techniques for Wild Plant Resources

First Round Announcement

source:     author:     2010-07-29

International Training Course: Seed Conservation Techniques for Wild Plant Resources

Date: 17-21 January 2011

Place: Kunming, China

Course background

Conservation and effective utilization of plant genetic resources contribute to food and nutritional security, poverty alleviation and environmental protection, which are major challenges faced by humankind in the 21st century. Various in situ and ex situ conservation tools are introduced to halt the loss of plant diversity, however, the in situ conservation and the traditional method of ex situ conservation through field maintenance are cost intensive and often capture only a limited genetic diversity. Seed banking is recognized as the most cost-efficient method for ex situ conservation of plant diversity, with huge potentials for the long term storage, individual propagation, population restoration, and scientific research.

The Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew’s Millennium Seed Bank (MSB) are jointly conducting an International Training Course on Seed Conservation Techniques for Wild Plant Resources, in order to enhance the capacity of national programmes to use seed banking techniques to conserve the wild plant resources in Southeast Asia. The Germplasm Bank of Wild Species at KIB hosts the biggest wild plant seed bank in China and is equipped with advanced facilities for this training course. The trainers from both KIB and Kew’s MSB will impart theoretical knowledge as well as hands-on training for seed conservation.

Course objectives:

This course aims to:

  • Provide participants with essential knowledge necessary for planning a seed conservation programme;
  • Improve skills of participants in using seed bank techniques for conservation and management of wild plant resources
  • Enhance the use of seed conservation protocols for germplasm of wild plant resources;


Topics (Lectures and group activities)

1. Seed Banking as a Conservation Tool

2. Seed Banking – the basics

3. Access and Benefit Sharing under CBD

4. Seed Banking – equipment

5. Targeting Species for Seed Collection

6. Making Quality Seed Collections (classroom and field)

7. Data Management and Dissemination

8. Using Seed Collections and Associated Knowledge

9. Turning seeds into plants - overcoming dormancy and other problems

10. Working together in South East Asia to achieve the GSPC targets

Practical sessions

1. Assess the target species population for seed collection

2. Collect the target species and associated data

3. Seed cleaning techniques

4. Seed germination


This training course is open for applicants from Southeast Asian countries (Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam). Applicants must be actively working on plant diversity conservation, seed biology, forest research or any other relevant biodiversity management activity..

Course language

All course handouts and lectures will be in English.

Number of participants

To be effective, the maximum number of participants will be limited to 15 for this training course.

Course Fee

This course is offered free of charge. Local transportation in Kunming, accommodation, food and the course materials will be provided by the course organizers. However, participants are expected to make their own travel arrangements to/from Kunming.

Application deadline: 30th Sept. 2010

Please send your completed registration form by fax, mail or as an email attachment to the address indicated below.

For more information contact:

Ms. LIN Chen

Germplasm Bank of Wild Species

Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Heilongtan, 650204, CHINA

Phone: (86) 871-522 3057

Fax: (86) 871-5217791



Please click the link below to download the Registration Form.



Registration Form.doc
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