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The 1st Asia Pacific Conference on Postharvest Technology and Innovation for Agricultural Produce
source:     author:YANG Zhiwei     2016-05-19

Healthy Food for Healthy Life   

November 1st – 5th, 2016 Kunming & Xishuangbanna, China  

1. Conference Background 

The proposed conference is the first one in the new series of scientific meetings under the name ‘Asia Pacific Conference on Postharvest Technology and Innovation for Agricultural Produce’. The proposed meeting will focus on the vital role that the horticultural crops play in food security and poverty alleviation particularly in less developed countries. The horticultural crops are faced with challenges, particularly those due to market globalization, that further affect the reliability and viability of supply chains. The recent and exciting developments and innovations in the area of postharvest are a way to meet these challenges. Integrated innovation and extension to achieve standard quality and safety for export agricultural products are among the essential topics that the horticultural scientists need to communicate. The APC meetings are an excellent forum to establish a network of scientific and technical links between postharvest professionals in the region. 

Another important issue that is the key to innovation and technology transfer from research organisation to the industrial users is the role of education (vocational and university). This should include curriculum development, mode of delivery (distance education) and on the job training. Furthermore, the capacity building among users (for all levels of education) through training courses should be discussed and promoted. Promotion of consumption of horticultural produce should include information of the retailers and consumers about their nutritional advantages. These topics are among the priorities of the proposed meeting APC2016 in Kunming.   

2. The Overall Aim of the Conference 

The symposium aims at providing a forum for collaboration between scientists, educators, extension staff and industry to share knowledge, skills and experience in postharvest technology. It will strongly focus on the health benefits and wellbeing derived from the consumption of the horticultural and agricultural produce. The contribution of the education and training is to be the key component of the conference. It is expected that the symposium will lead to the establishment of a network of scientific and technical links between postharvest professionals in the region. 

3. Conference topics 

  • Horticultural commodities development for tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions 
  • Processingpreservationpackaging, on farm and industrial-scale storage of horticultural and agricultural products. 
  • Bioactive compounds beneficial for human health in horticultural crops and raw material for functional foods 
  • Re-discovery of nearly lost crops Botanical collections as a repository of genetic material for functional foods
  • Mode of delivery of postharvest education at all levels 

4. Organization 


  • Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming, China 
  • Yunnan Urban Agricultural Engineering & Technological Research Center, Kunming University (KU), Kunming, China 
  • Organizing Institutions 
  •  The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia 
  •  King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi (KMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand 
  •  Nutrition & Health Research Institute, China Oil & Foodstuffs Corporation (COFCO), Beijing, China 
  •  Minzu University of China, Beijing, China 
  •  Sinograin Chengdu Grain Storage Research Institute (SCGSRI), Chengdu, China 
  •  Yunnan Agricultural University (YAU), Kunming, China 
  •  Yunnan Lüyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Kunming, China 
  •  Yunnan Macadamia Industry Development Co., Ltd, Kunming, China 

5. Conferences Fees 

The conference fees have been set at follows: 

Paid before October 1, 2016: 450 USD 

Paid after October 1, 2016: 500 USD 

The conference fees include meals, materials, use of the hotel facilities during the conference, a technical tour including airline tickets to Jinghong (Xishuangbanna) and ground transportation during the technical tour. 

However, the conference fees do not include the hotel cost. The hotel price is about 350 CNY per room (single or twin room; two participants can share one room) in Howard Johnson Flower Hotel Kunming and 260 CNY in Empark Grand Hotel Xishuangbanna (C building). 

For those who do not join the field trip, the conference fees are as follows: 

Paid before Sept. 15, 2016: 250 USD 

Paid after Sept. 15, 2016: 300 USD 

Please mention which room type you wish to book in the second column of registration for under Hotel booking. The organizer will book all rooms at the same time. In the last line you may indicate the name of the person with whom you intend to share the room. 

6. Brief Schedule 

Program Overview 





31st October

Arrival of participants and registration 

Howard Johnson Flower City HotelKunming 



1st November

APC2016 scientific sessions and exhibition 


2nd November


3rd November

Early morning flight toPuer orJinghong (Xishuangbanna). Visit of plantation crops (tea, bananas, konjac and other crops). Tasting of traditional local foods. 

Empark Grand Hotel Xishuangbanna (C building) 



4th November

Visit ofXishuangbannaBotanical Garden, centre of conservation of many rare and endangered cultivated and wild plants. 


5th November

Return toKunmingby an early morning flight. Participants can connect to flights home or remain inKunming. 


Scientific Program :The scientific program will be announced at the end of August 2016   

7. Contact Person  

Mr. Yang Zhiwei (Email: zhiwei@mail.kib.ac.cn) 

Registration Form (see attachement) 

APC2016 flyer.doc
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