Matsutake mushrooms (Tricholoma matsutake) are highly prized, seasonal gourmet items for the Japanese market. Yunnan Province contributes nearly 1/3 of the total matsutake production sold in Japan with an annual benefit of more than 40 million US dollars. In the communities harvesting matsutake in Yunnan, household income generated from matsutake can be up to 80%. However, there is an observed ...
Arundinarieae is a tribe comprising about 600 taxa in 32 genera and belongs to the family Poaceae, subfamily Bambusoideae. Bamboos in this tribe are mainly distributed in the temperate and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and southeastern North America, with East Asia as the center of diversity with more than 500 species. Most of these species are important ecological components of the subt...
April 19, the State Forestry Administration of New Plant Variety Protection Office organized experts to progress the site investigation for four candidate new vatieties of Michelia which were nurtured and applied by Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB) and were proosed to be named 'Yunrui', 'Yunxia', 'Yunxin' and 'Yunxing'.
After hearing the report about the breeding process for the four new v...
The Mekong River is the longest watercourse in Southeast Asia. Although China has an extensive hydropower program underway on the Upper Mekong, as yet there are no dams on the river’s lower mainstream. However, as many as 12 additional projects, which would generate substantial energy and wealth especially for Cambodia and Laos, are currently in the proposal stage for the Lower Mekong (LM).
Over the past 30 years, more than 260 apparently healthy villagers in Yunnan Province, southwest China, have died suddenly of an unknown cause. Yunnan Sudden Unexplained Death (SUD) often strikes in time-space clusters during the rainy season, from June to August, in villages between 1800 and 2600 m above sea level. The state and local governments attached great importance to this situation and...
As two ubiquitous and important components in terrestrial ecosystems, parasitic plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been extensively studied in the past, but in most cases separately. Recent findings suggest that plant parasitism and AM associations have some interesting parallels and may be modulated bysimilar mechanisms. Despite the small but increasing number of efforts to test...
After being awarded for the first prize of Yunnan Natural Science in 2007, the team led by the professor Gong Xun has made new progress in research on conservation genetics of endangered plants. The method of SNPs was used in the study of genetic diversity and genetic differentiation of Cycas debaoensis which is distributed on earth piled hills and rock hills, and the result showed obvious gene...
The genus Salvia, one of the biggest genera in the medicinally important family Labiatae, is a rich source of diversity diterpenoids with attractive bioactivities such as tanshinone IIA, salvinorin A, and salvicine, et al. Many species of this genus such as S. miltiorrhiza, S. trijuga, S. yunnanensis, S. przewalskii, and S. prionitisare used as folk medicines to treat a wide variety of ailments.
Compared to their counterparts in animals, the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of angiosperms exhibit a number of unique features, such as expanded genome size, a generally low rate of molecular evolution, and frequent structure rearrangement via recombination. However, unraveling angiosperm mt genomes evolution is hindered by the few completed genomes, and the established sequencing approaches are ...