"Preclinical Study of New Structure, Biological Activity and New Drug from Alstonia scholaris and Other Resource Plants" Won the Second Prize of Science and Technology of Yunnan Province

The research on plant constituents was made for Alstonia scholaris and other resource plants which totaled 22 kinds in the project, and more than 400 compounds were isolated and identified from them, the study on the total alkali in A. scholaris mechanisms of anti-inflammation, pain easing, cough relieving and asthma relieving effects of three major components was completed, 3 patents were applied for, and approved documents of 5 kinds of new drugs for clinical acceptance were obtained, 41 papers were published, of which 34 papers were included in SCI, 8 included in EI, 4 included in CSCD; the total SCI impact factors were 70.122 (impact factors of 2009); five papers were published in Organic Letters, the reported 6 novel monoterpene indole alkaloid skeletons were taken by Natural Products Reports as hot compounds of 2005, 2007 and 2008 and were reported.

Understanding the chemical compositions of medicinal resource plants was regarded as the starting point and discovery of a series of novel skeletons and new structures were featured for the project which enriched the structure types of natural products; meanwhile, drug development was the ultimate goal, and it intersected with pharmacology and other disciplines, and a number of compounds with pharmacological activity were found; based on comprehensive study of the mechanism of action and drug-ability, according to SFDA requirements, pre-clinical study of 5 kinds of new drugs was completed, and results that can meet national needs and development direction of disciplines were achieved. The results reached the international advanced level in chemical research of the natural
products of relevant genera and species.


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