Research News
  • Melodinines A-G, Monoterpenoid Indole Alkaloids from Melodinus henryi

       Nineteen monoterpenoid indole alkaloids including seven new ones, melodinines A-G (1-7), were isolated from Melodinus henryi. The structures of the new compounds were elucidated using spectroscopic methods, and the Structure of compound 4 was confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. The known compounds were identified by comparing their spectroscopic data with those reported...

  • Extended expression of B-class MADS-box genes in the paleoherb Asarum caudigerum

      Asarum caudigerum (Aristolochiaceae) is a paleoherb species that is important for research in origin and evolution of angiosperm flowers due to its basal position in the angiosperm phylogeny. In this study, a subtracted floral cDNA library from floral buds of A. caudigerum was constructed and cDNA arrays by suppression subtractive hybridization were generated. cDNAs of floral buds at differ...

  • Vibralactones D-F from Cultures of the Basidiomycete Boreostereum vibrans

      Three new metabolites, vibralactones D-F (1-3) were isolated from cultures of the basidiomycete Boreostereum vibrans. The relative configuration of I was established on the basis of X-ray diffraction analysis, while the absolute configurations of 1-3 were assigned using a modified Mosher's method. Compound I showed weak inhibitory activities against isozymes of 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydr...

  • Asymmetric hybridization in Rhododendron agastum: a hybrid taxon comprising m...

      Rhododendron (Ericaceae) is a large woody genus in which hybridization is thought to play an important role in evolution and speciation, particularly in the Sino-Himalaya region where many interfertile species often occur sympatrically. Rhododendron agastum, a putative hybrid species, occurs in China, western Yunnan Province, in mixed populations with R. irroratum and R. delavayi.

  • Antioxidant activity of red pigments from the lichens Lethariella sernanderi,...

      A yellow and new dark red pigments were isolated from Lethariella sernanderi, L. cashmeriana, and L. sinensis as antioxidant components. The yellow pigment was identified as canarione (1), and the others were determined to be 1,2-quinone derivatives, rubrocashmeriquinone (2) and 7-chlororubrocashmeriquinone (3), and 7-chlorocanarione (4) by analysis of their spectroscopic data.

  • The Third Plenary Meeting of the Second Session of Academic Committee of the...

      On November 9th and 10th, The third plenary meeting of the second session of the Academic Committee of the State Key Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Plant Resources in West China was held in Kunming. The director of the Academic Committee researcher Hao Xiaojiang, the deputy director Academician Sun Handong and Academician Deng Zixin, Professor Tu Yongqiang, Researcher Ding Jian, Research...

  • National Key Science Project-The Southwest China Germplasm Bank of Wild Speci...

    November 24th, 2009, State Development and Reform Commission held the completion and acceptance meeting of National Key Science Project-The Southwest China Germplasm Bank of Wild Species (Germplasm Bank for short) in Kunming Institute of Botany of CAS. The Acceptance Committee director is co-served by the deputy director of State Development and Reform Commission Zhang Xiaoqiang, the vice-presi...

  • 'The Seminar on Wu Zhengyi's Academic Thought' was Held in Kunming Institute...

      In order to further develop and promote Academician Wu Zhengyi's academic thought and promote the study of evolutionary biology, 'The Seminar on Wu Zhengyi's academic thought' was held in Kunming Institute of Botany on May 15th 2009. The researchers of Institute of Botany, CAS, Beijing, Lu Anmin, Chen Zhiduan, Gao Tiangang, Wang JinXiu, the researcher of Wuhan Botanical Garden of CAS Li Jia...

  • Kunming Institute of Botany Has Successfully Completed the Fieldwork of Plant...

      Recently, the expedition team, led by researcher Sun Hang of KIB and composed by 16 members, has successfully completed the fieldwork which has lasted for more than 20 days in County Zuogong, Mangkang, Basu of Changdu area and County Chayu, Bomi, Muotuo, Linzhi of Linzhi area and has safely returned to Kunming.
      This expedition mainly focused on the research and collection of plant germp...

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