Research News
  • Chinese Scientists Rediscover Lost Fungus After 164 Years

    Most species in Pleurotus have great dietary and economic importance. Species in P. ostreatus species complex are widely cultivated in East Asia. Recently, researchers from Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (KIB/CAS) rediscovered P. placentodes (Berk.) Sacc. 

  • Multiple functions of volatiles in flowers and leaves were revealed

    Flowering plants bring pollinators into contact with reproductive structures by providing olfactory or visual signals, and by rewarding visitors with nectar, pollen, and oils. In turn, pollinator preference and abundance influence a plant’s reproductive success. 

  • New Inhibitors of Breast Cancer from TCM Cimicifuga spp

    Cimicifuga spp. is well-known phytomedicine in world, its extraction have been generally used to treatment for women climacteric syndrome,osteoporosis etc. 

  • Research Advance in biosynthesis of astaxanthin and lipids of Chlorella zofin...

    Chlorella zofingiensis Donz, a unicellular microalga, is able to accumulate astaxanthin and lipids under certain environmental stresses or culture conditions.Transcriptome data revealed a great number of gene coding sequences involved in most primary and secondary metabolisms, including full coding sequences of all the genes for astaxanthin and TAG biosynthesis.

  • A New Research Advance in Genomic DNA Methylation of Dicotyledonous Castor Be...

    DNA methylation, one of important epigenetic markers, has shown broad-ranging functions, including regulation of gene expression and genomic imprinting, involvement in chromatin organization and protection of genome from invading and mobile DNA elements. 

  • A Monooxygenase Boreostereum vibrans Catalyzes Oxidative Decarboxylation in a...

    The oxidative decarboxylation of prenyl 4-hydroxybenzoate to prenylhydroquinone has been frequently proposed for the biosynthesis of prenylated (hydro) quinone derivates (sometimes meroterpenoids), yet corresponding genes or enzymes remained elusive. Still unknown are the enzymes responsible for the successive decarboxylation and hydroxylation of 5-methoxy-4-hydroxy-3-hexaprenyl benzoate in the...

  • Soybean CDPKs Specifically Respond to Herbivory and Drought Stresses

    Soybean (Glycine max) is one of the most important crops, and insects and drought cause large economic losses in soybean production every year.  

    Ca2+ is a ubiquitous second messenger that is critical for signal transduction in eukaryotes by activating various cellular processes in response to developmental and stress stimuli. Calcium-dependent protein kinases (CDPKs) are plant-specific calciu...

  • Golden-scruffy Collybia (Cyptotrama) in Asia was Firstly Studied Through Phyl...

    Mushrooms of Cyptotrama Singer belong to the family Physalacriaceae. More than 10 species of this genus were described in the pantropic regions, while only one was documented from Asia before. 

    The bilateral lamellar trama has been used as the most important character for the identification of Cyptotrama. The presence or absence of squamules on the surface of the basidiomata and clamp connecti...

  • Hydroxylation of jasmonoyl-L-isoleucine Impairs Nicotiana attenuata’s Resist...

    During a long-term co-evolutionary process, plants have evolved sophisticated and effective mechanisms to defend themselves against herbivore attack. However, crop domestication with its major focus on appearance, yield, and growth in large monocultures has made our crop plants vulnerable to insect herbivores.  

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